When people sign up for your company's loyalty program, you can define them as your top customers. Contrasted to one-time-only buyers, these customers plan to buy again and again. They will gain a reward for that.
Inc. magazine published a survey in a recent issue. It states 71 percent of loyalty program members prefer rewards not available to everyone. Yet fewer than half of the programs offer such special perks.
Consider letting your VIPs be the first to know about new items. Keep them updated with insider information. Give them special access or brag-worthy bonuses. The best perks are those which money can't buy.
For example, your favoured customers get naming rights for a featured product.
You may recall when BMW rewarded its German 7-series buyers with private golf tournaments. They hired Michelin-star chefs to prepare exclusive menu banquets. They even held ski weekends with Olympic gold medal skiers.
Occasionally, a little imagination, rather than money, can create the aura around a perk. Within the world of your customers, what would come off as an elite pleasure?